Course Summary
Zonisamide is an antiepileptic drug available for use with children and adults. Zonisamide is considered a broad-spectrum anticonvulsant with proven efficacy in randomized, controlled trials as add-on therapy for focal and generalized seizures. There has been clinical experience that indicates that zonisamide is an effective monotherapy for seizures, as well. Zonisamide is also being used as off-label drug therapy for disorders such as alcohol use, bipolar disorder, and binge-eating disorder. Zonisamide is generally known to offer improved versatility with less side effects than other antiepileptic drugs; however, a greater clinical understanding of zonisamide is needed. Rare, life-threatening reactions to zonisamide have been reported. These reactions include Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis.
Course Format
Course Syllabus
- Introduction
- Pharmacological Profile
- Mechanism of Action and Uses
- Dosing and Available Forms
- Contraindications and Warnings
- Adverse Reactions
- Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
- Dietary Issues
- Mechanism of Action and Uses
- Clinical Pearls: Zonisamide
- Zonisamide Uses and Efficacy
- Warnings, Precautions and Contraindications
- Zonisamide Overdose
- Case Study: Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
- Discussion
- Summary
Abimbola Farinde, PhD, PharmD
Abimbola Farinde, PhD., PharmD is a healthcare professional and professor who has gained experience in the field and practice of mental health, geriatrics, and pharmacy. Dr. Farinde has worked with active duty soldiers with dual diagnoses of a traumatic brain injury and a psychiatric disorder providing medication therapy management and disease state management. She has also worked with mentally impaired and developmentally disabled individuals at a state supported living center. Her different practice experiences have allowed her to develop and enhance her professional and clinical skills over the years. Dr. Farinde always strives to maintain a commitment towards achieving professional growth as she transitions from one phase of her career to the next.