Course Summary

Psychopharmacology is an intensive area of healthcare that requires ongoing scientific research and study by medical and nursing health clinicians. It has evolved as an interdisciplinary area of psychiatry based on the medical study of the brain and nervous system. Drug treatment of mental health disorders are continuously evolving as a result of the pharmacy industry focus on new drug research to improve effective treatment. Professional and health regulatory organizational mandates to develop treatment guidelines and to address ethical dilemmas related to drug therapy of mental disorders require that health clinicians conform to legal requirements and medical algorithms of treatment.

Course Format


Course Syllabus

  • I.       Introduction
  • II.       Antipsychotics
    • 1.        Risperidone
    • 2.        Quetiapine
    • 3.        Haloperidol
    • 4.        Clozapine
  • III.       Antidepressants
    • 1.        Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
    • 2.        Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors
    • 3.        Noradrenergic and Specific Serotonergic Antidepressants
    • 4.        Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors
    • 5.        Serotonin Antagonist Reuptake Inhibitors
    • 6.        Norepinephrine Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitors
    • 7.        Selective Serotonin Reuptake Enhancers
    • 8.        Norepinephrine Dopamine Disinhibitors
    • 9.        Tricyclic Antidepressants
    • 10.    Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
  • IV.       Anxiolytics
    • 1.        Benzodiazepines
    • 2.        Beta-blockers and Antiemetics
  • V.       Mood Stabilizers
  • VI.       Stimulants
  • VII.      Tranquilizers
    • 1.        Barbiturates
  • VIII.     Herbal and Over-the-Counter Drugs
  • IX.       Case Study: Antipsychotic Comparisons
  • X.       Clozapine: Case Example
  • XI.       Summary


Kellie Wilson, PharmD

Kellie Wilson is a Doctor of Pharmacy practicing in Anaconda, Montana, where she lives with her husband and four children. She attended the University of Montana in Missoula where she graduated in 2009 with a doctorate in pharmacy. She later worked in Boise, Idaho for a large, retail pharmacy for 2 years, and then returned home to Montana to oversee an independently owned retail and long-term care pharmacy in Anaconda. As an independent retail pharmacist she has become very involved in psychiatric pharmacy for two major behavioral health organizations that are located around all of Montana. Kellie’s passion is retail pharmacy because she enjoys the interactions with customers as well as the challenges and rewards of staying current with the continuous changes in the pharmacy field.

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