Course Summary

Lithium is well-known as an antimanic agent and is administered for mood stabilization in patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder. More recently, Lithium’s use has been recognized off-label as an adjuvant treatment for other behavior and conditions other than for manic episodes. A thorough understanding of lithium therapy, monitoring requirements of patient symptoms and of recommended lithium serum levels, and of the potential complications is crucial to ensure patient awareness of symptoms and compliance, especially in patients with comorbidities and who are elderly.

Course Format


Course Syllabus

  • Introduction
  • Lithium Treatment
    • Bipolar Disorder
    • Lithium and Circadian Rhythm
    • Lithium and Aggression
  • Lithium Side Effects and Adverse Outcomes
  • Case Study: Lithium Toxicity
  • Summary


Abimbola Farinde, PhD, PharmD

Abimbola Farinde, PhD., PharmD is a healthcare professional and professor who has gained experience in the field and practice of mental health, geriatrics, and  pharmacy. Dr. Farinde has worked with active duty soldiers with dual diagnoses of a traumatic brain injury and a psychiatric disorder providing medication therapy management and disease state management. She has also worked with mentally impaired and developmentally disabled individuals at a state supported living center. Her different practice experiences have allowed her to develop and enhance her professional and clinical skills over the years. Dr. Farinde always strives to maintain a commitment towards achieving professional growth as she transitions from one phase of her career to the next.

Kellie Wilson, PharmD

Kellie Wilson is a Doctor of Pharmacy practicing in Anaconda, Montana, where she lives with her husband and four children. She attended the University of Montana in Missoula where she graduated in 2009 with a doctorate in pharmacy. She later worked in Boise, Idaho for a large, retail pharmacy for 2 years, and then returned home to Montana to oversee an independently owned retail and long-term care pharmacy in Anaconda. As an independent retail pharmacist she has become very involved in psychiatric pharmacy for two major behavioral health organizations that are located around all of Montana. Kellie’s passion is retail pharmacy because she enjoys the interactions with customers as well as the challenges and rewards of staying current with the continuous changes in the pharmacy field.