Course Summary
Fentanyl was developed for use as a surgical anesthesia. Its accepted medical use was later expanded to include treatment for chronic pain and cancer pain; however, fentanyl and fentanyl analogues have a high potential for misuse. Fentanyl and fentanyl analogues have also emerged in illegal forms and consumption of these drugs is a primary contributor to the current U.S., opioid crisis. Illegally manufactured fentanyl is widely available on the streets. Fentanyl is a relatively common adulterant in heroin, and unfortunately, some of the beneficial pharmacologic properties of fentanyl, such as rapid onset of action and its high strength relative to other opioids also make it very dangerous when it is used inappropriately. Because of fentanyl’s misuse and emergence as an illegal drug, health clinicians need to understand fentanyl’s mechanisms of action, toxicology, and the options available to treat fentanyl overdose.
Course Format
Course Syllabus
- Introduction
- Fentanyl’s Medical Uses
- Fentanyl’s Pharmacological Effects
- Fentanyl’s Potential for Misuse
- Opioid Crisis and Fentanyl Use
- Fentanyl Use and the Opioid Crisis
- The Opioid Crisis and COVID-19
- Fentanyl Overdose
- Detection of Fentanyl
- Patient’s History of Use
- Patient’s Pattern of Use
- Pediatric Exposure
- Reversal with Naloxone
- Treatment of Fentanyl Overdose
- Laboratory Testing and Physical Examination Requirements
- Education of Opioid Overdose Treatment
- Case Study: Fentanyl Transdermal for Chronic Pain
- Discussion
- Summary
Abimbola Farinde, PhD, PharmD
Abimbola Farinde, PhD., PharmD is a healthcare professional and professor who has gained experience in the field and practice of mental health, geriatrics, and pharmacy. Dr. Farinde has worked with active duty soldiers with dual diagnoses of a traumatic brain injury and a psychiatric disorder providing medication therapy management and disease state management. She has also worked with mentally impaired and developmentally disabled individuals at a state supported living center. Her different practice experiences have allowed her to develop and enhance her professional and clinical skills over the years. Dr. Farinde always strives to maintain a commitment towards achieving professional growth as she transitions from one phase of her career to the next.