Course Summary

Diverticulosis is a common condition in Western countries and carries the risk of serious complications. Inflammation and infection of the colon are characteristic of the complication of diverticulitis. Typically, ultrasound and computed tomography imaging is used in cases of of diverticulitis to help clinicians identify edematous thickening of the bowel wall and inflammatory changes. While uncomplicated diverticulitis can be treated through medical management, surgical intervention may be needed in complicated diverticulitis and without surgical intervention the prognosis may be grave. Diverticular disease and its complications including the life-threatening event of a bowel perforation are discussed.

Course Format


Course Syllabus

  • I.              Introduction
  • II.           Prevalence and Etiology
    • 1.   Diverticulosis
    • 2.   Diverticulitis
    • 3.   Diverticular Bleeding
  • III.        Risk Factors for Diverticular Disease
    • 1.   Diet
    • 2.   Physical Activity
    • 3.   Obesity
    • 4.   Smoking, Caffeine, Alcohol
    • 5.   Medications
  • IV.         Diagnosis of Diverticular Disease
    • 1.   Barium Enema
    • 2.   Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
    • 3.   Colonoscopy
    • 4.   CT Scan
    • 5.   Diverticulitis: Evaluation and Testing
    • 6.   Computerized  Tomography (CT) Scan
    • 7.   Lower Gastrointestinal (GI) Series
    • 8.   Colonoscopy
  • V.            Complications of Diverticular Disease
    • 1.   Abscess, Perforation, and Peritonitis
    • 2.   Fistula
    • 3.   Intestinal Obstruction
  • VI.         Treatment of Diverticular Disease
    • 1.   Fiber Diet
    • 2.   Medications
    • 3.   Probiotics
    • 4.   Diverticulitis and Complications
    • 5.   Diverticular Bleeding
    • 6.   Surgery
  • VII.       Prognosis of Diverticular Disease
  • VIII.    Prevention of Diverticular Disease
  • IX.         Case Study
    • 1.   Discussion
  • X.            Summary


Noah H. Carpenter, MD

Dr. Noah Carpenter is a Thoracic and Peripheral Vascular Surgeon. He completed his Bachelor of Science in chemistry and medical school and training at the University of Manitoba. Dr. Carpenter completed surgical residency and fellowship at the University of Edmonton and Affiliated Hospitals in Edmonton, Alberta, and an additional Adult Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery fellowship at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He has specialized in microsurgical techniques, vascular endoscopy, laser and laparoscopic surgery in Brandon, Manitoba and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and in Colorado, Texas, and California. Dr. Carpenter has an Honorary Doctorate of Law from the University of Calgary, and was appointed a Citizen Ambassador to China, and has served as a member of the Indigenous Physicians Association of Canada, the Canadian College of Health Service Executives, the Science Institute of the Northwest Territories, Canada Science Council, and the International Society of Endovascular Surgeons, among others. He has been an inspiration to youth, motivating them to understand the importance of achieving higher education.

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